Thanks for all of your responses. I learned a lot. Grannyring I will definitely take your advice. I am going to try the suggested amps until I find one I really like. I was looking at a 600x2 on ebay but it was pulled from the auction. I am also looking at the Odyssey. No Innersound or CJ in sight or price range. Ideally, I am going to sell some of my stuff to allow me to purchase two amps simultaneously to compare/sell. I will be patient as it appears that the amps only show up sporadically. Of course these funds will likely get siphoned towards college tuition. I can always use the other amp on the B-1S until I settle on a choice. Here's hoping the economy starts improving!
Perhaps my next topic will be preamps/room correction but I am not prepared for that now.
Perhaps my next topic will be preamps/room correction but I am not prepared for that now.