Soundsmith Aida vs Hana sh

I would like some help in choosing the right cartridge for my set-up. I have a recently rebuilt sota sapphire series 3 with a pro-ject 10cc, Soundsmith Carmen-H into a Manley chinook se.
I really have these two in mind.

Soundsmith Aida & Hana sh

I’m looking for technical help on this, not opinions on what you think sounds better. I have heard both on different systems that were set-up for them and like both very much.The Hana being the winner for value and the Aida sounding the way a $2,000.00 cartridge should. The Hana maybe a little light at 5 grams for the stock counter weight on the 10cc & both seem to me to be a good match with the Manley.Please let me know what you think. Thank you
Noromance,This is my question:
The Hana maybe a little light at 5 grams for the stock counter weight on the 10cc & both seem to me to be a good match with the Manley.Please let me know what you think. Thank you
The OP wrote "SH".  I guess it was my mistake to start referring to it as "HL".  Thanks for the correction, oharchie.   Happy New Year to all.
Never heard a Hana. 

I own the Aida. Aida had a lot more body then cheaper MC carts I have heard. It will have a wider soundstage, a little detail but yet remain very smooth and musical. Very natural/neutral sound. 

MC I have have heard in that 500/1200 range have been more analytical, less body and less musical. They might have a little sharper highs and a bit more "air". 

Don't underestimate the value of re-tipping. 

MC I have have heard in that 500/1200 range have been more analytical, less body and less musical. They might have a little sharper highs and a bit more "air".

I have heard of nightmare scenarios with retips.  that odes not mean that retipping is bad.  Benz is retipping again.  get an old Glider and be happy.  Now thats a lot of cartridge for the money.  Better yet, get a ruby and be set for life. 
Just to give a differing view, I owned an original Glider and then the next upgrade of the Glider, whatever it was called.  The Glider did not do anything glaringly wrong in my system but goose bumps were absent.  Then I tried another even more expensive HOMC and got the same or a very similar blah result. This was my bumpy road to not liking HOMC cartridges, at least compared to LOMC and MM/MI.