Does having two left ears qualify you as a "mono" or "stereo" person?
Does having two left ears qualify you as a "mono" or "stereo" person?
Soundstaging and Imaging: The Delusion about The Illusion
I’m a hopeless believer in imaging and soundstaging. In reproduced music via a 2-channel audio system, it’s likely none of us fully understands the original recordings in terms of the original recording notes. That’s the critical issue: absent detailed knowledge of the original recording, how would one proceed to fully appreciate the accuracy of reproduced sound on one’s audio system? |
celander That’s the critical issue: absent detailed knowledge of the original recording, how would one proceed to fully appreciate the accuracy of reproduced sound on one’s audio system?That's why there's no substitute for making your own recordings. And with today's equipment, it's easier than ever to do that and get outstanding results. |