Sources for Dynaco Stereo 70.

Hi folks. I need a project and thought that I might enjoy modding and upgrading a Stereo 70. When I look here on Audiogon, all of the 70s that have been for sale are alread done and completely tricked out. Likewise the auction sites. I have been to the thrift stores as well. So, can anyone suggest where I should look for one? Thanking you in advance for the guidance.
Looks like there are three units in pretty much stock condition available on eBay at this moment, plus one rebuilt. Be prepared to pay though. They are known to be popular and even ones in rough condition don't go cheap.

An alternative is to become an active estate/garage sale enthusiast. You may find one really cheap that way, but you're going to have to go to a LOT of sales before you find one.
If there is a local classified ad publication on the newstands in your area, for buying and selling of used items, place a want ad in it.

If you do so, you might want to word it more broadly, such as "wanted -- 1950's and 1960's tube hifi equipment, such as Dynaco Stereo 70." That way you may just turn up an even better treasure!

-- Al
Not knowing how much of a project you're looking for, take a look at one of the Dynaco Stereo 70 kits, which are updated and improved. I'm currently assembling a version of this amplifier, which I bought on Ebay, also available from ( The parts and assembly instructions are of high quality, and has been a good winter project for me. Buying an old unit for updating sounds like a real PITA, and who knows what you'll end up with. The XFMRs, components, and driver board are of higher quality in this kit, and resolve known problems with the originals. The chassis is an attractive polished stainless steel too.

Good Luck.
