SP-10 Mat

I have an SP-10 with a Micro-Seiki copper mat. Now that my system is dialed in in terms of room acoustic treatments and speaker placement I find the Micro-Seiki mat to be a bit too lively but outstanding in terms of dynamics and soundstage. The stock rubber mat is too dull and bloated.

Could someone suggest a mat that falls in between the two, leaning more towards the copper mat sound than stock but less forward in the midrange and treble.
Yesterday I was able to remove the BA Mat 2 from the SP10 platter. Residue from the rosin was where I had placed it the day before. A circular array of spots. Just slightly sticky. And there was also residue on the bottom side of the Mat 2. I don't think the rosin attacked the sealant that Boston Audio Design sprays onto this mat. No evidence of that. This method does not seem too aggressive.

I could have cleaned the Rosin away had I wanted. But a small amount of "stiction" is wanted at this important interface.

Other methods suggested, like 2-way tapes or adhesives that will tack up without hardening seem good. My exp. with 2-way tapes is that some of these can result in a strong bond when enough tape is used. I use the stuff routinely in my day job (cmm programmer) to hold odd shapes in place for the cmm inspection. So my caution there is to be sparing with the 2-way tape, or it may become extremely difficult to extract the mat from the platter. (use just a little)

Thanks for the compliment. This SP10 mkII project has been a challenge for me.

Good to see you on this forum.

Td, As to the carpet tape, yes, only a few tiny pieces do the job more than well enough. On my Mk3, I was too anal about leaving goop on the platter, so I just used small bits of scotch tape around the lip. Two tiny pieces placed so as not to touch the top surface of the BA Mat2, just its edge and the edge of the platter itself.
I used tiny bits of blu-tac to keep my BA Mat 2 secure. Worked like a charm and very clean removal.
I recently picked up a SL1000Mk3 and used the stk Technics mat.

About 3 weeks ago I put on my SAEC SS-300 alloy turntable mat.  WOW - a lot better sounding - reduces a bit of bass blur and better clarity and attack across the board.  
Funny, when I put the SAEC on my Exclusive P3, I preferred the Pioneer rubber mat.

 My Boston mat1 does not even fit onto my SP10 mk3 platter.

I have taken the plunge and bought a Micro Seiki CU-180 off @chakster. Now just have to wait for it to arrive as looking forward to it.
Received the micro seiki cu-180 all the way from Russia. Talk about one end of the world to the other.  Thanks Chakster

As good as the SAEC is over the stk rubber mat, the cu-180 is better.
   Better inner detail.

  Expensive, but in my case worth it.