SP Tech Revelation III - how good?

I've previously had a thread about speakers to replace Kharma 3.2 FEs in a 5,000 cubic ft room, but it has died with my last question, viz, what about the SP Tech Revelation. Could anyone who has heard/owned these speakers please tell me (1) Can they fill this space, placed close to the rear wall of a 23 X 17 X 15 ft space? (2) Has anybody driven them with a tube amp (A-S 2.2 220 WPC)? (3) All the hype has been about the bass they deliver - how are the midrange and HFs? (4) Are they in the same league as Vandersteen 5a, LS 9 arrays, Zu Definition 2s and Coincident True Reference? I know they're not ideal loads for OTLs, being 4 ohms, dipping to 3.3, so ignore that part - that's why I asked about tube amps, but dont want to re-do the long discussion that tube amps prefer 8 ohms. Thanks for your time.
I own SP Tech Rev MR I Mark III's (the latest ones with the Ultimate Mundorf external crossovers). My room is 22'9" x 15'3" x 10'. They fill it without breaking a sweat. These beasts could fill your room just fine. I'm not sure how close to the front wall you are wanting to place them...they don't alter physics though. Too close and you lose soundstage depth and you probably get your midbass a bit too accentuated, but room treatments can alleviate most of that. I'm an owner, so take what i say with that grain of salt; these transducers are the best i've ever heard, with the speed of planars and electrostats, the musicality of the best midrange speakers out there, and the lf extension that moves air so well it's scary. I know folks who are trading in their $40k rigs for SP Tech speakers (but you can likely find those war stories with any speaker mfg so the proof is in finding and talking to those folks).

Check out the comments at Audio Circle. Ask Bob to put you in touch with other users. Ask Jim Merod, famed reviewer and recording engineer, why he wants them in his studio for their "sheer nakedness".

I use a McCormack DNA-500 ss amp to drive them, so I can't comment on your tubed amp question, but you seem to have the load math right.

Feel free to email me and we can chat, etc.
Thank you all - I had read your great review, Teajay - one of the items that prompted me to look into SP Techs. It seems the only remaining issue is whether the Atma-Spheres will allow them to fulfill their potential. All current owners I've spoken to use ss.
I visited Bob at SP Tech last month, after hearing Ted's Revs at great length.

The Revs also put a live performance in an untreated 50'x 200' facility like nobodys business, my next speakers became a clear choice.