I'm not a homer at all I'm just stating a fact, most of these companies use silver plated OFC which is the cheapest junk wire you can get out there, just because it's silver plated so what, just for your information OFC wire has 1500 crystal barriers per foot, that's little fractures in the wire that the signal has to jump across that shears off minute harmonics which screws up the sound, OCC single crystal has zero crystal barriers per foot, maybe you should do some research and find out about all this stuff, I'm not saying anything that's not true, OCC single crystal both silver and copper were shown to be far superior to anything at any price OFC cheap wire 50 years ago,companies that charge 18-28,000 or more for wire are just total ripoff artists, think about it for a second what can you do to a piece of wire to make it worth that much, absolutely nothing, so if you want to get ripped off that's totally up to you, I choose not to, and and for your information the rectangular OCC single crystal wire is even better than the round OCC single crystal wire, you can't change physics.