Speaker cable recommendations in my budget

I really hate to open this can of worms. I know people tend to be very passionate about their cables and how heretical someone else’s choice is.  But, here goes anyway.

if it matters, I have a Denon AVR4806 & JM Labs speakers. Both are about 7 or 8 yrs old. I need 8’-10’. I really only want to spend less than $150 but, I’d go to $200 if there some phenomenal cable that would rock my world.

On the site & in that range are: AntiCabled, Schmitt, PS Audio, Audio Quest, NBS Serpent, Harmonic Tech & Audio Quest Serpent.

Do any of you see the glaring top 2 or 3 I should pick from? There’s now real audio shop around me that sells this stuff.

PLEASE: Don’t recommend dumping my receiver or speakers & no fights.
Actually, the Dueland cable you linked to is $10/meter, not /ft. I agree that this would make good speaker cable, although you probably want to double or triple up on this wire, depending on how long a cable you need and how efficient your speakers are.

Cable termination is as important as the cable itself, if not more so. Assuming you're going tom add connectors, make sure they are good quality, copper-based, and that you can use a good mechanical crimp. 
AQ Type-4 or CV-8 on Music Direct's closeout. I have CV-8 which I clearly preferred to Blue Jeans, but possible Type-4 would do the job just as well and cheaper.
+1 on Duelund DCA16GA hookup wire. For a sub-$200 budget you’re not going to beat it.

Go read the Audio Beatnik review. He came *this* close to getting rid of his 5-figure cables after using it.

I think it was you who mentioned Zu cables and eBay in some other thread a year, or so, ago. I looked them up and bought two different pairs. Thank you.