Speaker Cable Too Short What to do?

Greetings, I just bought a pair of expensive mit cables but one of them does not quite reach my amp by a foot. What an idiot I am!!!!
I am playing around with the furniture to try to make things work, but is there anything else I can do? Can I use an mit jumper to extend the short cable? Will that degrade the sound? Does it matter that one speaker cable will be longer than the other?
Ag insider logo xs@2xasamuelson
In view of Perfectimage's suggestion, I would offer an idea that would work if you are trying to lay the cables around an inside corner of a room perimeter. Instead of putting an area rug over the cables, you can drill a neat hole in the floor at each end and run the cables under the floor. There are special caps professional installers use to cover such holes. Perhaps you could take advantage of a diagonal (rather than having to run two sides of a triangle) to save cable length. Good luck.
The MIT circuit box is usually located fairly closely to one end of the cable and probably doesn't need to go through the hole.
Tim - thanks, a few of mine are good - most aren't but I do get a good idea once or twice a month...:-)