Speaker decision $3000-3500...help

I have been around auditioning speakers around the $3000-3500 mark.

I am looking for speakers that are musical, open, dynamic with a hint of warmth!
I listen to Soft Rock, Pop and some House/Dance music.
Mostly multi-track and digitally amplified stuff.

I have auditioned PSB, B&W, GoldenEar and Amphions.
I was most pleased with Amphion Helium 520s, since they are very engaging and natural sounding. Jack of all trades.

If you think there are other speakers for my preferences in the price range of 3000-3500, please guide me, i will audition them as well.

Otherwise i will pull the trigger on the Amphions and will need suggestions for Amplification for them. Budget would be $1500.

Please, any advice either on speakers or amplification would be appreciated.
Not sure what you mean by 2 vs 3 dimensional speakers but if you are referring to 2 vs 3 way speakers:

IMHO a well-designed 2-way is always preferable to a mediocre 3- way so I believe there are no hard and fast rules.

The Spiral Groove Canalis Anima for example, is a 2-way which possibly sounds better than many 3-way speakers at the same price.

I was trying to explain that the Zensor 7/Cronus Magnum combo will sound extremely satisfying at $3,600.00 all together.

I believe that a two way speaker of modest size is very, very, hard to beat, particularly on voice, and particularly if the best technology and components (active crossover) are used.

If the very best clarity, accuracy, lack of distortion, and realism is to be maintained then the mid / bass driver must not be asked to perform beyond its best design envelope in the low bass region.

If low bass response is of critical importance to the listener, then the best result is probably a 3-way design. Reason why I also recommended the Triton 2s.

One last note, very high priced designer fashion and marketing statements do not enhance audio performance.

My current speakers are GoldenEar Triton 7s. They cannot play rock or other forms of “power” music at high volume levels. Then why have them? Mainly for their uncanny ability to reproduce a full-bodied sound that is extremely easy to listen to for hours without fatigue.
I'm with Ricred1 on this . I personally have never listened to a Monitor speaker that didn't sound tipped up and unbalanced. That said maybe Bo1972 has found electronics to get a balanced sound. As far as the 3 dimensional sound, I have heard many different speakers or systems with excellent 3d presentation. Much has to do with source , room and speaker placement. I have a dealer in my area which he had a pair of monitor pl300 that he took as trade towards new speakers he was selling. In attempt to get good sound to demo for potential buyers he found no front end or amp to tame them. He sells many different manufacturer of both solid state and tube . He said the sound always was bright and fatiguing. Again Bo1972 may have the balance needed with matching components but it seems that you are quite limited on your amps. Also as everyone on this site knows everyone hears differently and has there idea of what they like. I am not knocking Monitor I am giving my experience with the models I have listened. If you are enjoying them then I say GREAT.
It has nothing to do with 2 or 3 way. It is the stage that is being build behind the speaker. And even beside and in front of the speaker.
Ribbon tweeters can give a bigger stage because they can project the stage further infront of the speakers.

So you get an extreme holographic stage. The head editor of the biggest Audio magazine in our country loved the 3 dimensional image I had on a big show last year. He said; you were the absolute sound by far. Many distributers had the same opinion.

During the day for shopkeepers many people who had a shop came to me and asked how I can create such a big stage. Many never heard music so physical touchable in there whole life. I used a professional measurment. It doesn't matter anymore that the room was so average in acoustics. The endresults are Always exeptional good.

This I do since 2007. I only sell and create 3 dimensional sound. In 2010 I started to use acoustic measurments.

Instruments become fully loose and apparent in front of you. This is so Obvious and precise that many audio lovers during the show came to me and said: this is of a whole new level in sound I never experienced.

Many did not understand that the subwoofer fully dissapeared. People got on the knees and put their ears on the centre. They thought I used the centre during stereo.
Even people put their ears to the during the show.

People don't know this level of integration. And most of them never heard a 3 dimensional stage this physical.

I also could let people hear a much higher level of micro information. I did let people hear the breathing during singing. Word endings on sss, ttt and th. And moving lips during singing.

I said to them: ask for these numers on any set of the show. You easilly will hear there is less information on any other set on the show.

Every single part in sound I can raise to a higher level. Hearing is believing. What you hear is the thing that counts.

I want to make audio more easy to understand for every single person.

In a few weeks I will take Monitor Audio in my country to many different clients who all have a stunning and extreme 3 dimensional stage.

I want them to convince that I create a suprior level in endresult with every single Monitor Audio speaker compared to any other shop. They know for years that I can create a much higher level than any person can achieve.
Mystery solved; Monitor Audio for everyone!!!!!!!!!!
Throw away all other "2D" crap!!!!!!!!!
There are more 3 dimensional brands. It is a fact that people prefer 3 dimensional far over 2 dimensional sound.

The intensity in listening to music is much bigger. It pulls you into the music. When you do this for 7 years like I do, you know how succesful it is compared to any 2 dimensional sound.

People enjoy music a lot more when they listen to their beloved music with a 3 dimensional stage.

It is not only the 3 dimensional stage what makes it more involving. The small and intimate stage within the wide and deep stage is another part of the succes.

3th part is creating a musical involving sound.