Speaker Positioning - ProAc D30RS

Hi everyone,

I wondered if you could help? I have ProAc D30S's and I am trying to get the positioning right. I am slightly confined by room width which is 262cm wall to wall.

If you dont mind me asking, how far apart are your speakers and how close to the side wall are they?  It is a bit of a compromise for me and a challenge to get the best position.

Currently my speakers are 6ft apart. Do I go further apart? if I do they will be close to the side walls!

What's best closer together and further away from side wall or wider and closer to side wall?

The D30S's have downward-firing bass port so that helps.

Oh the dilemma!! :-)

Many thanks


Oh just to add I have the speakers on thick carpet with underlay, on spikes and on isolating feet.


Not being familiar with those I looked up the images of them. I see that they have tweeters that are offset to one side. You might try experimenting by swapping them to see if they image better with the tweeters inboard vs outboard of center. Sounds like you've made progress already though. Good deal!
Happy listening.
My floor is thick carpet like yours. I’ve gone from spikes to Cones to Cones with Round Things to springs to now Townshend Podiums. Each one was a lot better than the one before, but the jump to Podiums was greatest of all. Probably the best speaker isolation out there. Someone recently went from Iso-Acoustics Gaia said it was a big step up. I was just about convinced time to break down and get tube traps, then Podiums made such a big improvement I can thankfully forget about all that.

This has to be due to the speakers no longer mechanically exciting the room as much. In a smaller room I would think the improvement would be even greater.

The Moab thing was probably in jest. But if you were serious, then boy will you be shocked how much better they are.
Wow those Podiums are not cheap! 

I may start with some Iso- Acoustics Gaia, better than just spikes.

Yes just joking about the Moab :-)

Thanks for your thoughts and advice.
