Speaker rec for difficult placement $1,000

Hi Folks,

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I could use a recommendation for a floor stander in a difficult room. The room itself is roughly 12x15 feet with two large openings to a foyer and dining room. The speakers will need to be close to the long wall with slightly greater distance between the speakers (9') than to the listening position (7'). A relatively narrow footprint (ie 12") would also be good.

The current speakers are a pair of Klipsch KSF 10.5's. They are ok at best, problem is they image like crap. I hear two separate speakers w/ little soundstage between the two.

As for sound, I'm not a real audiophile, not sure what I really want, I'm experimenting. I have Vandy 2CE's in another room. I like them quite well but I'm not opposed to another sound altogether for this room. I guess ideally I'd like something relatively easy to power.

I think 7' might be a bit too close for Vandersteens. Driver intergration can become problematic sitting so close.
Kbarkamian - You're fairly correct about the room/placement issues.

I switched the speaker sets the other day, bringing the Klipsch's upstairs and the Vandy's down. The Klipsch's are, in fact, worse at imaging than the 2ce's by a wide margin, even when properly spaced. However the 2ce's do struggle to image in the poor location. I could live with them there though if they weren't oversized (and the bass is considerably muddied too so close to the wall.) A pair of Model 1's might be an option though, but I have a feeling there are better imagers out there.

All told, it's really a double whammy having the poor imaging Klipsch's in the poor location.


Thanks for all the suggestions folks, very helpful indeed.
I second Zmanastronomy, give the Tekton Lores or M-Lores a try; easy to set- up and works well with low-powered amps. Stereo Mojo award-winner, big bang for bucks. See reviews there as well as Enjoy-The-Music for the M-Lores.