Speaker Recommendation up to 70k

I have purchased SOTA swiss front end which I can't disclose. They are solid state. 
Got room treated , cables sorted , power supply regulated, a comfy couch and books to read for years. 

Now I need a pair of beautiful and lively speakers to get me up and dancing when the track calls for it. A SOTA speaker that is worthy of keeping for years. Room size is 25 sqm/ 269 sqft. 

Final contenders: 
- Zellaton 
- Stenhiem 
- Tidal- Marten- Wilson 
- Borresen

I don't need (you need to listen and decide) suggestions, I can't travel and we got no dealers with demos. So I'll have to rely on users honest opinions about each brand above and are they worthy of the cost. 

No electrostatics and no horns please. Appreciate if you know how to get the most benefit at the upper botique level of speakers. Some might look fabulous and sound meh. 

Let's discuss. 
@emerald --

I would go a bit differently here than the direction I assume you’d prefer; if "workman" or industrial looks doesn’t bother you too much, and you can rid (that is: relieve) yourself of any want to "experiment" ad nauseam with amps and expensive cables, I’d choose a pair of actively driven ATC SCM300 ASL Pro:


These are great speakers by any measure and will go up against most anything out there, period. No - and let this be said once and for all: you don’t need a huge sized listening room to make these sing. I’ve heard them in moderately sized spaces, and they sang wonderfully - in the lower octaves as well.

One of the best midranges ever build, twin 15" per side for authentic LF to lower mids, ATC’s recent and self-developed (like the rest of their drivers) 34mm tweeter, and not least active configuration all superbly implemented into a sonically coherent whole. This is a proven design for years in the pro field, build like a tank to last many years - even driven hard and continuously.

Don’t bother their pro origins as anything that’s claimed to fall back negatively on their sound in a domestic environment. That’s just B.S. Anyone with a pair of functioning ears and a minimum ability to openly and honestly assess sound quality will acknowledge the serious merits of these active speakers.

Forego any fancy, finish luxuriating and overly expensive passive "high-end" speakers, and step off the merry-go-round with a sensible, active solution like the above. That’s my advice.
Be prepared to make adjustments, regardless of speakers chosen. You are seeking speaker following all the rest of the system. That is not ideal, but it is part of the audiophile experience eventually. Do not hold your hopes up so high that if it's not sensational, you will be disappointed. I could make a system with shortcomings with any of these, or a seemingly flawless system, if I had control of the components and cables selected. But, when given one set of gear preselected, there is no telling which outcome would transpire for any of these transducers.  No one here can answer your question, and if anyone claims to, I would not heed their opinion.   :(

A bit more information such as what speakers you have owned, or currently are using, as well as your preferences in sonic attributes, would assist the community in making recommendations.  

well money is relative, $70k is not a lot of money to some people and to others it is unattainable. 
Anyway people really need to know amp your using. Can it handle a low impedance hard to drive speaker?
I am very familiar with a pair of TAD Reference One running on Vitus Audio solid state amplification and to me they are by far the best speaker that I have heard. I have been fortunate enough to have listened to speakers that are well into the six figure range and the only other thing that comes close to the TADs is the Vandersteen Sevens (heard on tube, could be an even closer match up on solid state).

I think either represents good value in that upper stratosphere but the TAD is my winner between the two.
Bob - My second choice are actually the MBL, but they require a timeshare on a small hydroelectric dam and the right room..

The highend broker is excellent advice…..