Speaker Selection: B&W 805S or Revel M22 w/Sli-80

Please help select the right speakers for the long run for our upcoming purchase of cary sli-80. My wife and I listen to mostly female vocals;krall, jones, enjoy a full soundstage environment. Will be running with rega planet 2K with au24 ICs and Anti-cable speaker cables. Speakers will be place on the long wall of a 10x20 room.

Your suggestions/comments are appreciated.
I have only owned the B&W 805S (current model) and the Revel M20. From experience with the two, I would pick the B&W, hands down. But, I have not heard the M22, and they may have made drastic improvements over the M20, which is an excellent speaker in it's used price range.
Had the M20's,prefered them over the Nautilus 805's.Upgraded to Merlin VSM-MMs.A completely different league ...
I would suggest the Merlin TSM-MM or MX.Will go extremely well with your Cary tube amp,since the Merlins are well damped in design...
Have owned both brands, like the guy above have not heard the new 22's, but after long term listening, the B&W was my choice, no question. Easy to drive, refined, detailed, neutral, and non-fatiguing. Initially liked the Revels a lot, but over time... the B&W just got better and better and won me over. Returned the Revels, kept the B&W!
Good luck!
Thanks guys, unfortunately, we don't have a local dealer where we can demo the merlin tsm. we will demo the sig805 or the 805sb and with the m22 in the next couple days. In terms of the integ.amp, I also read alot of the primaluna prologue II, wondering which is better for the long run. Sli-80 sig. or the prologue II?

Again, thanks for your comments.

Auditioned the M22's at home and wound up liking Spendor S3e's better...check out "What Hi-Fi" (August I think or thereabouts) they reviewd the M22, 805's, S3e and several others.... It might be a good second opinion from reviewers that had them all in one room. I liked the M22's a lot and it was close, but for female vocals and whatnot the Spendors won outright.