Speaker upgrade...

Thinking the upgrade(wanting to try something different) bug has bitten me, and I'm wanting to try some different speakers. I'm currently using Dunlavy SC4's which I'm perfectly happy with and have no issue with and could continue to live with for many more years. So this isn't a I don't like what I have post but more of a would these speakers be an improvement over my current speakers. I'm looking at BW N801 and Avalon Radian HC speakers.

Has anyone spent time with the above mentioned speakers who could chime in with what their thoughts are?
You have given no personal listening preferences or the type of music you enjoy, size of your listening room, electronics, WAF influence or any other background information. 
To me, the issue with the Dunlevy's is that they're too laid-back.  But they do tons of other things well.  I can understand wanting to upgrade, but suspect it'll take a lot of auditioning before you find something that's genuinely better, rather than just different.
Please anyone feel free to respond to this.     I have found that the old adage "garbage in equals garbage out"  is totally true with High end Audio.   With that said, I have heard some amazing systems that were not pricey for the electronics and speakers and put the majority of the cost into the turntable/arm/cartridge.   If you start with something great, you will get some thing almost as great down the line to the speakers.  If you start with crap,  you are only getting even worse crap out of the speakers.   I have built several systems over the years. I started in High End Audio in 1987,  and i have always upgraded my speakers as the last part of my system.   The majority of my money being spent on the analog front end.   So i say to you, 2ChannelJunkie,  look to upgrade your phone cartridge or your digital front end,  maybe some new cables. and you might find that your "old" speakers have some very new life in them.   

This may be a captain obvious moment... If you feel like your sound is short of what you want it to be, have you tried a RTA with measurement mic? Minidsp sells cheap mics and I'm using Onyx RTA for my iPhone with the camera adapter to hook up the mic.

I was feeling like my systems had shortcomings... With proper analysis I was able to treat my rooms, tweak placement and rediscover my existing equipment in a whole new way... Without having to resort to DSP. Just furniture, house plants, and bass traps (not free, but not speakers either).

That fresh sound you're looking for might be closer and cheaper than you think!
I'm currently powering the Dunlavys with a McIntosh MC2500 that's been completely rebuilt by audioclassics. I know some hate and others love MAC gear. I grew in a house with MAC and while I agree others may sound better but MAC has been the only electronics that I can turn on and play for 8 plus hrs. And never get tired of hearing. Also I've been burnt with other brands that when I had issues I wasn't able to get fixed/repaired locally.