Speaker Upgrade Recommendation for Current Analog System - under $10,000 Budget

Music lovers/audiophiles, looking for input.
Considering a speaker upgrade to full range, floorstanders. Current analog system setup - recent full upgrade to Jolida JD 202 intergated amp. (40 watts), VPI Scout w JM 9 arm, Benz Mirco L2 cart, Tyler Acoustic Reference Monitors, ACI Force sub, Jolida JD 100 CD player. Have enjoyed current system for 15+ yrs. COVID and my location presents a challenge to auditioning. Based on articles and reviews narrowed considerartion to Salk Songbird3 BeAT, GoldenEar Triton One.R, Nola Contender S3. Refined to GoldenEar and Nola speakers. Seems GoldenEar may be the easiest for place in room. Reviews show them to share simular sound signature. Alternative option: switch out ACI Force for two Rythmik F12G subs, upgrade phono pre-amp and call it a day.
Listening room - 12' X 30' (configuration - odd shaped third floor (main room has window well, with narrow 6 ft. hallway to steps w/ separate room by steps). Favorite genries: Jazz and R&B, however, love music (1500 LP's). Probably last system change, looking at retirement with more time to enjoy my music. Appreciate the input.              
It sounds like you'll need to go on a shopping trip out of town (or State?) to find what you want. Lots of air in your room, so open baffle speakers would work well--maybe Spatial?--and Tannoys would hold up well in the space.
Go with a good quality vintage american speaker made prior to 1979 you will not want for upgrading after that and 5000 or less will get you a real show stopper.
Tannoy legacy Ardens for that size room. You will not be disappointed. Hands down The Best for the money you are looking to spend, under 10k. They are 4k each, so 8k for the pair, under budget and gorgeous sound And looks. My Eatons are the 10" stand mount babies ($2750 each), but boy what a sound...a Destination speaker, why futz around, buy the best! Each pair of Tannoys is hand built by one person at the Coatbridge Scotland factory. One of the Oldest speaker manufacturers in the world, now 95 years....
Monitor audio gold 300 generation 5 or platinum 200 generation 2 which is a little bit more there about 12,000 but both are very warm neutral sounding speakers.
Vintage American speaker are you kidding me? That's really old technology give your head a shake LOL