Speaker Width?

Hello all,

Currently my speakers are 12' apart and each speaker is about 10' from my listening position. Picture here: https://imgur.com/a/etiV2q8

Would it make sense for me to move them closer together? (switching with my amp and subwoofer on each side). Curious on thoughts and how people typically space their speakers!
Another + for Jim Smith's book Get Better Sound.
My setup sounds best with my speakers 7 feet apart (tweeter to tweeter) and my head 11.5 feet from plane of tweeters.
Hey, here’s an idea. Why doesn’t someone compare Jim Smith’s speaker set-up method with the speaker set track on the XLO Test CD? 
What is the big deal about XLO Test CD?

Is it any similar to a combination of...


and one like this (with a different cover, but essentially the same, it does have polarity check, etc.)...


"I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. ;-)"
Now, imagine how I felt. I have not recovered yet.