Speakers: $3,000-$4,000 on Audiogon

I am moving to a larger listening room (21 x 14) and am looking into new speakers - to pressurize the room, as I tell my wife ;). My current speakers, B&W CDM 9NT, have always sounded to bright in my previous listening room and are currently not at the same level as the rest of my system (click on the system link to see the components and cabling). Cardas cables and a McIntosh have somewhat tamed to extra energy in treble region.
I am looking for a well rounded speaker that excels in all the important areas (dynamics, frequency extension, detail, musicality). If I had a preference, I would lean towards a warmer/less analytical sound but not to the point of sacrificing detail.

Some speakers which I've had my eye on off the top of my head:
Dynaudio Contour S 3.4
Magenpan 3.6
Von Schweikert VR-4jr
Focal JM-Lab 946 Electra

Open to other suggestions,

Thanks in advance

The S5.4's are a huge step up over the S3.4 in terms of extension and detail. Plus, you get the Confidence tweeter in the S5.4.

Personally, I feel the S5.4 and maybe the Aerial Model 9 are the best speakers under $10K for full-range floorstanders. The S3.4 is also very special, but it's no match for the S5.4.
I know Tony sells Dynaudio. I was asking for his professional opinion. No big deal.
Nothing wrong with a manufacturer or dealer giving their opinion (I welcome them), but it needs to be disclosed - it helps to know how much salt to apply. Which is not to say that Dynaudio's are not fine speakers, or that the 5s are not better than the 3s.
I try not to be a fanboy all the time, but of course there will always be some bias as I sell what I like. However, I do enjoy this as a hobby as well and own and like lots of different speakers and components.

I do try and let it be known that I'm a dealer in my responses, but there are times I forget. ;-)