Speakers for a large room for around $1000

I am moving soon into a new house where the main room is about 12x14ft with a vaulted ceiling up to the second floor (maybe about 15-20 ft high).

I am looking for 2-channel stereo speakers exclusively for music. I don't really play my music that loud, but I do like the music to really fill up the room. I'm not a huge audiophile (meaning I'm not going to spend a lot of time analyzing or obsessing over my speakers)--- all I'm looking for are some good solid speakers that have a good frequency response (and might sound good with a tube amplifier).

My budget is about $1000. I could stretch that up to maybe $1300, but I'd have to be convinced the extra is really worth it. I'd also really prefer to have new speakers, mostly for the warranty. Though again, I could be convinced otherwise if it's worth it.

I've considered speakers from a whole bunch of manufacturers, i.e, Paradigm to B&W, Axiom, DefTech, Klipsch, Polk, etc, but due to my geographical location I'm really not able to demo many, so I'm stuck trying to make this decision based on online reviews. It's tough for me to separate audio speakers from home-theater speakers just by reading reviews.

Any and all help is really appreciated!
That room isn't that large that you need confine your speakers needs that much. Looks like a very friendly audio/speaker room to me. You might want to decide on your speaker first before constraining them to tube power, especially on your budget.
blnd, among the ones on your list the monitor audios are a real good choice--lots of slam and very good value. the focals are nice burt don't really extend deep; the revels are also fine speakers but need tons of power and probably wouldn't match well with lower-powered tubes. i'd also look at von schweikert vr2, which i often see for around $1250 or so, energy veritas or meadowlark kestrel.
Unsound --- I just wanted to make sure you saw the edit... the room is actually 20x14, not 12x14. I'm not sure which size room you were commenting on.

I'm not really set one way or the other on speakers for tube amps. It's just something that I would like to have the option to check out at some point. Right now I just have a little Marantz P325 amp, so I am probably going to have to upgrade either way.
Blnd2spll, I did see the edit. I would imagine that most here would find a 20 X 14 room about average. Now, the vaulted ceiling does add to the room volume, but probably in a good way. It seems as though you running on a bit of tight budget and tube amps can get expensive faster than ss does. I've always subscribed to the idea of choosing your speakers first and then choosing the appropriate amp, not the other way around.
hi, i would absolutly look into a pair of used vandersteen 2ce. forget about klipsch, polk, b&w . the vandersteen will give you a much more satisfing sound and thay are built very well so do not worry about buying a used pair, they will last a very long time very well built.