Speakers for a small room

I am looking to build a list. What would you say are the best speakers for a small room? Why? Price is up to 6.5k new or used. Room is 11ft x 16ft with 7ft10 ceilings. Thanks! 

Related info: amp is pass labs xa30.8. 
I'm using Vandersteen Treo CTs in a 12.5' x 15' x 9' room and am very happy with the sound. They replaced KEF LS50s, which I also liked. The thing about stand-mounted monitors is that they take up almost as much space as floor-standers and look precarious, to my eye at least.
Thanks for all the input everyone. This definitely means I have got some homework to do. 
Is your room strictly for listening, or will it be used also as a den/office?  I have a 12x14x8 room that is my den. I did not want ugly acoustic room treatments, and because I have several bookcases and a small desk in the room, I didn’t want a speaker more than a foot from the front wall and impinging on the space. While I have a fondness for 2 way monitors, I didn’t want to worry about a dog or grandchild tipping them over.  After quite a bit of research, I decided upon Klipsch Heresy IIIs. They are smaller highly efficient 3 way speakers tilted slightly on risers that do not require a stand. They can be placed close to the front wall. They have a horn tweeter with controlled directivity, which lessens their impact on the room.  They get down into the 50s Hz range, so do not overpower the room with bass energy. I recently added a REL T9i sub to 30 Hz, and am pleased. I drive them with a Coincident Dynamo SET 8 watts per channel amp, to very loud levels if desired. Was worried about the often cited “honking” tweeter, but the speakers and amp are a splendid match.  Food for thought.  This is not my main system. Nice amp btw
@dcevans my space is a dedicated listening room. Only things in there are my components, acoustic panels and my chair. Its my little get away. 
If it were me, I'd get either Quad S2 or Ascend Acoustic Sierra 2 bookshelf speakers (both get raves) & stand mount them. I'd also get a pair of SVS SB-1000 or SB-2000 subs. And I'd finish that with a Marchand electronic crossover to divide signal from preamp into 2 filtered streams, hi-pass & low-pass (high for speakers; low for subs). All of this would cost ~$3-$4K maximum, leaving plenty left over for a good preamp & ~100 wpc amp.