Speakers for Luxman L 505 u

I finally got my Luxman L505u. After only 10 hours of
listening sound is great but because of my speakers,
JBL L100 t3 it's like I have two subwoofers and bass
dominates, so I am looking for smaller speakers that
would sound good with Luxman. I was thinking to try with
Paradigm Studio 40. My room is 17'x 11.5 x 9
I would really appreciate opinions.
I would hope you've tried different speaker placement. I keep hearing the Luxmans are great with bass, but that seems like something's amiss.
Unless you're just ready to change speakers in general.
I've been hearing great things about the Luxmans and Harbeths...the 7 es3's would be in your budget.
good luck..