Speakers for Rogue Sphinx

I order a Rogue Sphinx and am looking for speaker suggestions for it.

The room is 25x20. 8ft ceiling. Will need acoustic treatment, but that's another discussion.

Rock/folk/similar types of music: Kinks, Stones, Clash, Dylan, Spacemen3, Little Feat, The Fall, 
Symphonic music, rap/club, and metal aren't important.

Was going to get Tekton Lores, but they aren't in production right now. So considering their Enzo line. 

Soundstage and such are far more important than physical appearance.
Do you like bass? Paradigm persona 7f with RA would be awesome. whereabouts are you?
I called Tekton and was able to get a pair of the Lores.

Thanks everyone, I'll let you know what I think.
How did you make out with the Tektons? Did you do any of the upgrades? I’m also a new Sphinx owner and looking to improve over my Wharfedale Diamond 220’s...