speakers for VAC 30/30 amp

anyone have a sonic match for this amp.have SF CD1 and SF L1 pre-amp.
thks for that,do you recommend Coincident speakers at all,how would the Total Victoty sound with VAC??
It would be irresponsible of me not to jump in here. You should go for a pair of the Wilson Benesh Curves. www.wilson-benesch.com At the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest paired with the 25 watt deHavilland Ios single ended amp the sound was killer. These speakers while using conventional drivers avoid the MDF madness of most others and utilize Carbon Fiber. There is a used pair on Audiogon now and I have a demo pair for sale as well. ( In the interest of full disclosure I am a dealer for Wilson Benesch )
Jab suggests Audio Physic Virgo II. I had a pair and tried to drive it with a VAC 30/30, but it did not work. Although the Virgo is an easy load, the VAC could not control the (4) woofers. With small "scale" music it was lovely, with most of the magic of the 300B's. But whith larger, more demanding music- and I am not talking about Telarc recorded symphonies - , it was a disappointment.
to buy speakers unheard is a big headache,major pita!!!!here is a list:Silverline...Coincident TV'S ...VSA DB99'S ... Sonus Faber amatis ... Meadowlark Blue Heron2 ...Daedalus DA-1 ...not sure about horn but Avantgarde duo look interesting but do they do all types of music????? anyone with speaker 101 please help out a poor boy..thks
I just received a used VAC PHI 30/30 amp and a new pair of Reynaud Trentes. Although these speakers will need a few hundred hours to break in, the combination sounds fantastic already. Exactly what I was hoping for (at least as far as I can tell this early on). The Trentes, unfortunately, are about to go out of production. Amherst audio has a nice deal on a barely broken in demo pair listed on their website.