speakers in a bad room

i have a room 18 x 24, with concreate walls and tiles on the floor. which speaker will work in this room ? i listen to rock, jazz, reggae, r&b and so on. suggestions please

Sounds good to me! I think rock sounds best played over big PA systems to be honest so can understand your observation and agree that it would (could) sound more LIVE (real) in some cases.

I think Sogood's suggestion is the best place to start. You are still going to have some boom. You will either need to build a high Q resonator or possibly correct for the remaining boom electrically with something like our PARC. Even if you do intend on dealing the anticipated problem electrically--try to do everything else you can to minimize that amount of correction first. This is one case where you should build the walls one layer 1/2 inch sheetrock and insulation behind. It will allow the walls to give and reduce the Q a bit.

There are a lot of resources on our website that might be helpful to you. Here's a link to the resource page
Probably something from Europe. My understanding is many homes in Europe have hard floors and concrete walls and many of the European speakers are designed with this in mind. I dont know this to be fact but I have read it in several threads.

A good tube amp and tube CDP should also be considered.

A throw rug, some pillows and other sound deadening material will also help.