You might want to check out this thread that Tvad started awhile back, as it is similar to your own question:
Speakers with imaging "Free of the box" Thread
As far as the best dynamic speakers I know of that disappear, first would be the Rockport Antares (one of the very best speakers ever made, IMHO - A friend owns these). The Eggleston Works Andra II also does a pretty good job of disappearing themselves, (and I own these).
I will also opine that planer type speakers, such as Quads, Apogees, etc., "generally" disappear slightly better than dynamic speakers, but only if you're in the sweet spot, which said sweet spot "generally" tends to be much smaller than dynamic speakers, IMHO. (This is one reason why I prefer dynamic speakers over planer speakers - I like to be social and listen with friends!).
My two cents worth.
Speakers with imaging "Free of the box" Thread
As far as the best dynamic speakers I know of that disappear, first would be the Rockport Antares (one of the very best speakers ever made, IMHO - A friend owns these). The Eggleston Works Andra II also does a pretty good job of disappearing themselves, (and I own these).
I will also opine that planer type speakers, such as Quads, Apogees, etc., "generally" disappear slightly better than dynamic speakers, but only if you're in the sweet spot, which said sweet spot "generally" tends to be much smaller than dynamic speakers, IMHO. (This is one reason why I prefer dynamic speakers over planer speakers - I like to be social and listen with friends!).
My two cents worth.