Here you can witness a early test model Voxitva in action 2015. Grant it the room edxpensive treatment, regardless I can hear the sonics of the driver , separated from room acoustical treatment. This early model Viox blows away any/every/all box/xover designs in its class.
That is under $20K and weiging less than 100 lbs.
Box/xovers can not compete with this level of high fidelity which i have coined the term
~~Super High Fidelity~~~ = SHF.
Which is a more appropriate term for Full range in general, well no actually Full range will now be tagged High Fidelity whereas the Term Super High Fidelity can and will only be allpied to Voxativ. ,
All Vox's speakers are ~~SHF~~~
You can not employ this term SHF with any speaker in existence.
That is under $20K and weiging less than 100 lbs.
Box/xovers can not compete with this level of high fidelity which i have coined the term
~~Super High Fidelity~~~ = SHF.
Which is a more appropriate term for Full range in general, well no actually Full range will now be tagged High Fidelity whereas the Term Super High Fidelity can and will only be allpied to Voxativ. ,
All Vox's speakers are ~~SHF~~~
You can not employ this term SHF with any speaker in existence.