Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
I have three pairs of speakers, Vero Research Metornome and soliloqy, and the Acoustat 1+1s. I've owned the 1+1s for an amazing 9 years! I actually picked them up for a song and really had no clue how good they would sound. When i got them home and hooked them up, my ears were delighted. Granted, the lows are lacking with this speaker, but the mids and the highs are fantastic. I've tried a few subs with them and have not kept them. I fear that I will have to pay the piper to get a high-end sub to match these. They are in storage now, but when I moved into a condo from a house, I could not part with them even though I auditioned an array of speakers that I was hoping to replace them with. My second longest speaker which much like the 1+1s I obtained by trading a pair of McIntosh speakers for are the Soundwaves. They were a local Rochester, NY company which, like Acoustat, is no longer in business. These speakers really surprised me for all around depth. I use the two speakers in a Wilson style configueration as the metronomes have a slanted front and the Sols are wedge shaped. Everyone who has heard my set-up thinks that I paid over 5 to 7K for these based on the sound, and when I tell them that I traded for them they have to pick their lower jaw off of the ground! I have owned a slew of speakers in my day, from Bose, Klipsch, Thiel, Merlin, Mirage, Dunlavy, just to name a few. I found that a lot of manufacturers have really good hype surrounding their products and little substance. Ok I've rambeled on too much.
As much as I love my Genesis 350's, I doubt if I'll hang onto to them forever. It's tough to find enough room for them. Eventually, I'll have to downsize and downgrade. Hopefully after my hearing is near gone ... and if I continue to play them at 90dB, that won't be long.

My name is Stefan
I own a pair of Lincoln Walsh OHM A's of which there are only about 36 pairs made as I understand.

I would like to know if any other person on Audiofon hava a pair and would like to copare notes.

My email is swesolowski@gmx.net

Thank you.
Best regards,