Speakers to hang on to for LIFE

After 9 years with my Proac Response 3s, I recently decided to change speakers. As you can tell, I'm not an upgrade fever patient. I want something I can live with for years & I think the best advice I'm gonna get will be from those who have & are still living with their speakers for an extended period of time. Please tell me why too. Thanks.Bob.
VSA VR-7SEs - Just got a 2nd VAC Phi 300.1 amp to drive them. With 300w into each speaker, performance jumped amazingly - these will never leave now........
I regret selling my most pristine Apogee Scintilla. Never regretted selling my Diva though.
Celestion 3's. These are bookshelves and I have had them for a long time. Maybe 15 years. They are outstanding speakers. I have never had to fix once. They are actually the fronts (on stands) in my home theatre now. I also use them as backups when I'm switching the 2 channel setup.
Been using and loving my Infinity RS 5 Kappa speakers for 18 years. The model was the two-way baby brother of the better-known 8 and 9 Kappas .I believe this model was only manufactured in 1989. The speakers have always been wonderful to look at and hear to me ! They had their surrounds re-foamed a year ago, as they finally failed, but now my concern is the crossover and some of its caps.Only the tweeter circuit has Wonder plastic ones. The rest seem to be electrolytes from Culver city.Does anyone have any idea what the sound degradation caused by 20- year-old dried up caps would be in practice? The sound to me today is OK, but if it's been turning worse gradually I guess maybe one doesn't notice...Changing the caps seems a dubious idea to me, since the circuit board and its solderings seem fragile and prone to be permanently damaged if the work (which is beyond my capabilities) isn't carried out very carefully. What do you say? Otherwise I*d be more than willing to go on with the Infinities "for ever"...