I also have lost my mind over a pair of Coincident Pure Reference Extreme T's. Have never heard anything so satisfying or nearly flawless at any price, truly a breath of fresh air.
An easy load, highly efficient, fast, and dynamic like a good horn based loudspeaker yet without many of the down sides.
As transparent as an electrostatic and show little (if any) compression.
So many "Hifi" speakers play delicate detail and tonal neuance with some good degree of accuracy but when it comes to playing something like say Zeppelin style, amplified guitar stuff, fall flat on their face, they portray little energy or edge, not so with the CPRE's. Who says a Hifi speaker can't also be a pretty damn convincing Rock speaker??? Horn based Jazz sounds remarkably live and the reproduction of horns is like that of... well, percussion drivers or real brass and reed horns. Piano sounds like a percussion instrument as well as a stringed one, again unlike many, many speakers. Skins are apparent on drums, but not in an exaggerated audiophile way, yet not overly analytical, if that is at all possible?!
Nothings perfect or fits everyone's tastes, and ceramic based loudspeakers, including the Coincident can present so tonally neutral, a little too clean(?) and without a shred of warm tonal colours of their own. This leaves the up-stream component choices more revealed than ever.
I have recently had some extensive listening to the CPRE's with Atma-Sphere MA1 OTL's and can say that the combination is simply amazing. Many of my records for the first time (with exception of a friends C.A.R. T3's) sound terribly compressed and mottled on anything else.
I do find these speakers to be truth tellers though, so if hearing studio recording anomalies, variations in pressings, and up-stream cable/component limitations is like a lawn rack on a chalk board for you... and you long only for warmish tones, pretty, smooth sounds emanating always, forget about these babies.
Happy Listening!