Speakers with the most detailed midrange? (non-ESL/planar)

Anyone care to give their opinion on what dynamic speaker has the most detailed/revealing midrange? Not including electrostatics or planar speakers. Approximately between the frequencies of 400Hz to 3kHz. Also, just to clarify what I mean by detail: when there is a musical passage that entails many different layers of instruments, the speakers' ability to separate all the elements so all the instruments are heard clearly and nothing is obscured. Also the ability to retrieve every last bit of information on a recording, such as random sounds in the studio, distortion in recordings and reverb tails.

As far as price goes... 2 categories... below $12,000 USD (new) and any price range. Thanks.

What kind of amps are you using with the Lipinski? I have read of people using them as mid-field speakers with appropriate amplification. I agree, crossing over at high at 70hz (or even 80hz) seems like a good idea in order to avoid bass frequencies distorting mid frequencies. If I recall the surface area of the two 7" woofers equals approximately that of a single 10" woofer. 

I've never heard the ATC subs but I imagine they are really nice, and yes, expensive! I currently use the Rhythmik E15HP which is fantastic. 

Regarding your yellow glass fiber cone drivers on the L-707, not sure if you knew, but you can upgrade them to the newer black cone woofers. The upgrade is available through Lipinski dealers. I forgot what material the black cone woofers are made out of.

I'm really looking forward to your A/B test! Thank you for being willing to do that!

Also, thank you for introducing me to the XTZ speakers. They look very intriguing. I see that they are ported but it seems it may be possible to block the ports. I wonder if these speakers are voiced "flat" in a more pro audio sense or if they are voiced for home hi fi use? They are priced very reasonably. 

Have you ever heard beryllium driver based speakers?

Some still swear by the Infinity Kappa 9. I've never heard them. There is a pair being sold used on another website. Enjoy! :-)

I actully use two ATC c1 subs to the Lipinski's. Functions very well, but again they are near-field and not sure designed for very high SPL's like the ATC. ATC subs are very musical and plays the bass lines very clean. No distortion to hear. Using them with the Lip's makes a very fine full-range system. The Lip's works best I think as a closed monitor crossovered around 60-70 Hz. The C6 Sub is on my list but expensive also used and not sure I need it. You sell me yours Shadorne :-)

I have the older yellow one's. Actually I got three (one read).

Will hurry up the A/B test :-)

Have a look at the new XTZ Divine Delta speakers. Using Accuton and Mundorf. Nice price. Think I will try these. I bought their new Edge amp recently and am very satisfied with it. Cheap fine power. Sorry, no SALKs around here.

Shouldn't say this....... but will probably invest in some Infinity Kappa 9 soon. I mean they are legends. Also heard them in a store some time ago and thought the mids and tops were beautiful and very life-like and also worth a lot - you could stand up to them."
I just chanced on a pair of Usher BE-20 dmd dancers and like old time missions they have a very high xover, around 3.5 khz that covers most if not all of the vocal range so 1 driver with no xover in the critical mid range makes for a very good mid range. The ease of placement of these speakers makes me think there's something fundamentally right about them. worth a listen. Revel salon 2 with a completely different approach can be found used at your price and have amazing mids also. I don't care for speakers that exaggerate the sound at one fq and go for clean balanced response.   
I'm a fan of the Classic Audio Loudspeakers (+$12K).
They employ a beryllium diaphragm that has a Kapton surround- and thus the midrange driver has no breakups until 35Khz. It runs from 500Hz in my speakers to 12KHz. The driver is also field-coil powered so it has speed like an ESL, and for the same reason- when current is applied to the voice coil, the magnetic field does not respond in kind by getting weaker as in permanent magnets. So its faster and more revealing, while at the same time very smooth since there are no breakups.
The larger Classic Audio Loudspeaker (T1) has the midrange horn going down to 250Hz. This is possible due to the Kapton surround.

I bought Thiel CS2.4SEs about a year ago because I wanted greater transparency and resolution in the midrange. Wasn’t disappointed other than a subtle glassy quality on vocals. Replacing the resistors with Mills MRA-12s fixed that issue. More recently, I rebuilt the boards with Clarity CSA caps and upgraded the coils. 

Now, the resolution and transparency are stunning. There is superb intelligibility on lyrics and much more. Gotta be close to SOTA from the mid bass up but I suppose I need to relisten to stuff like TAD Ref Ones and Vivid Giya to say with full confidence. Regardless, these are my last speakers!