Spectral amp and VTL preamp

Hi guys, after some days spent with the Soulution 721, the Spectral DMC30SS Series 2 has returned to my system. The CD player is a Soulution 540, the power amp is a Spectral DMA260 (MIT Magnum MA speaker cables and Cardas Golden Reference interconnects). I’ve also tried a VTL 7.5 Series III and it was the sound I liked the most between these three preamps. Each of them has its strengths but I think that the VTL has a little more musical elegance. The (maybe silly) question is: are there some risks in using the VTL with the DMA260? I read dozens of times that Spectral power amps shouldn’t be used with other than Spectral preamps but I also read dozens of times that someone had very good results using a Spectral power amp with a non-Spectral preamp. Apart from the output impedance of the VTL (25 Ohms, max 150 Ohm at 10Hz) and the input impedance of the Spectral (10 KOhms), are there other things that should be considered? I don’t want to take any chances. Is there something else to consider? Some risks about potential DC-offset? Spectral amps should be DC coupled... and the VTL? I think that both of them should have some kind of protection against DC but I don’t know too much about this topic so I’m asking to you...
Thanks a lot in advance.
Al, thanks for your full and comprehensive answer! This is exactly what I was hoping for ‘cause I like a lot how the VTL sounds with the Spectral. 
Thanks also to John (roxy54) for inviting Al to answer my questions! :-))

Thanks for the nice response.

Thinking about it a little further, though, I’m not completely certain as to the correct interpretation of Spectral’s reference to a "0.5 volt range" of the "DC protection servo." And a good deal of further research I did failed to shed any light on its intended meaning.

One interpretation, which was the basis of my previous response, is that the design incorporates a protection mechanism that will limit any DC that may appear at the output of the amplifier to a maximum of 0.5 volts. That would be fine.

Another possible interpretation, though, is that the "protection" will only be effective for DC voltages at the amp’s output that would be no greater than 0.5 volts in the absence of the so-called protection. Under that interpretation the "protection" would essentially amount to a performance enhancer, as I see it, as opposed to providing effective protection against secondary damage that might result from major failures.

It might be worth contacting Spectral and asking them to clarify exactly what that spec means.

BTW, that same spec and wording appears in the description of many of their amplifiers, not just your DMA-260.

Best regards,
-- Al
@almarg Thanks for your further clarification. Does Spectral has an email address? I live in Italy and I’d prefer to contact them by email ‘cause it’s much more easy for me to write than to have an intercontinental phone call... also because I’m sure that they could better understand me (and I could better understand them!)
@almarg Another thing Al... I think that the crux of the matter is: has the Spectral DMC-30SS Series 2 some kind of protection that the VTL hasn’t? This because the power amp would be the same (DMA-260) and my doubt is if the use of the VTL could increase the risks of malfunction... So if with the VTL the risks are the same (or even less for some reason), keep the Spectral preamp won’t give me a safier situation...