Spectral DMA 400 Mono Blocks?

Can anyone confirm Goodwin's report that Spectral Audio showed a prototype of a new DMA 400 power amp at the 2012 CES.

Goodwin's go on to say that 400 mono blocks to be released in summer of 2012.
Ack I'm surprised we got that past the watchers. Dialogue about the "upgraded" Agon is strictly prohibited (as to foster continued denial?).

1rsw at the Spectral forum. I agree about the summer delivery comment, we may not see them 2012.

I don't know why I obsess about upgrading, my 360 series 1 sound amazing. It's taken a lot of trial and error with power products and cables but I have them sounding close to my system goals which border on unreasonable.
Thanks, I am also looking to upgrade, from a dma 180. Haven't decided whether to go with dma 260 or the 360 series 2. Ack I have read your evaluations on Spectral forum and appreciate your feedback regarding the dma 360's s2.

After learning of the possible release of dma 400's, part of me wants to hold back and see how things shake out at Spectral
@Sprintgtv: glad to help any which way I can...
@Richard: we will start a thread on the DMA-400 on WBF at some point. Expect this thread to disappear, if our comments are so deleterious; but frustrations are running high...
I agree, the new site is horrible - all the listings are in random order, can't tell preamps from amps, pictures are small, lotta things worse, I see nothign improved.