Spectral or Pass Labs ?

Dear Friends,
I like to buy Used Amplifier SS, Spectral DMA 150 Or Pass Labs XA160.
My Preamplifier is Klimo Merlino Gold Plus +Thor and Speekers are Tannoy DC 10T,all Cable are Nordost.
I like to know from your experience the main difference.
Thanks very much for your help.

I know you mean well but take a look at the Klimos output imp....
Both of the amps Alberto is looking at are not at their best with his pre.
Best JohnnyR
I'm with JohnnyR on that.
Matching impedance between amp/preamp is important. I'd look either to change preamp as well or look for the models that are OK with higher impedance preamps such as McCormack DNA... or Bryston models.
I suggest the Pass Labs amplifier. Spectral equipment requires MIT cables to sound the best. Please review this.