Spend my $1000 on a turntable


I gaze at at about 60 dirty records, a Cambridge Audio 540P mm phono pre amp and a slightly broken Technics SL-1210 MK2 (1 channel is bad). I rewired the arm and replaced the inter connects, it might be the ortofon pro s cartridge. I’m faced with buying a cleaning system (cheap) and inner sleeves and fixing the technics and selling it (+-$600). Add about $400 brings me to $1000.

My girlfriend (read wife) wants a Red turntable and so here I am. I am leaning toward the new Rega P3 with Ortofon Red or should I get Rega P2, Ortofon Blue and maybe a new phono pre amp? Project makes Red tables but I’ve only heard mixed things.

What would you do with $1000? 

Typically Tidal high res streams to a bluesound vault 2 Out via coax into Dynaudio Focus 30 XD. It 
Color should be the last thing on your list of priorities, and sound quality should be first. But, it is your investment and I respect your right to reprioritize. The existing Technics SL-1210mk2 is a good starting point of it hasn’t been thrashed by some idiot rapper. You could rewire the tonearm (tedious but inexpensive to do) and install a new Audio Technica VM540ML cartridge and KAB fluid damper. This way you would still have $500 left over to add sorbathane or other vibration isolation system and still be far ahead of the game. If refinishing the plinth red is still a priority, there are some vendors who do that, and my be able to work out an exchange for your existing plinth. I don’t know how much that would set you back, but wouldn’t expect more than a couple hundred dollars. 
Why do you want to sell Direct Drive turntable to buy more expensive Belt Drive turntable?

I understand an upgrade from one Direct Drive to another Direct Drive, but to a belt drive .... ???

All you need is to replace the stock tonearm on your Technics SL1210 mkII if you want to upgrade the sound. The cheapest new option is Jelco, the armboard for Technics available on ebay. It can be a decent vintage tonearm too, something like the Luxman TA-1 if you gonna use high compliance MM cartridges. If you don’t want to upgrade tonearm you can, indeed, buy a KAB fluid damper and re-wire the arm with Cardas or Discovery wires internally. Then find Zu Audio Mission Phono cable on ebay, cut and solder it directly. If you want a silver wire then you can buy Signal Cable Silver Resolution. I use both cables with my gear.

You can also buy brand new Technics SL1200 GR for about $1700 and it does not require upgrade, except for the mat. Saec SS-300 mat is reasonable priced, Micro Seiki CU-180 copper mat is more expensive.  

If you’re a user of Direct Drive then moving to a Belt Drive is not good.

Technics metal plate can be painted in any color, they are also for sale separately.

You need a much better cartridge for any turntables, those cheap belt drives does not come with a good cartridge. Cartridge is the most important! Ortofon M20FL Super with FineLine nude diamond is superb vintage MM for very reasonable price (under $300).
+1 bpoletti & grinnell! A VPI HW19 painted gloss red with a good arm (Jelco) and cartridge (Grado) would be "da bomb"! Maybe I should paint my HW19 red too!
This Rega Planar 3 in red for $750! Then get the Ortofon 2m Blue. There is nothing wrong with them except for literally a scratched box. I bought the same one very recently. Cheers!

There is nothing wrong with them except ... 

.. that they are cheap belt drive turntables and can not compete with decent Direct Drives in terms of speed stability. These Regas looks like a toy and act like a toy, a mediocre turntable for those who's trying to save on everything. These turntables must be avoided like any cheap modern belt drives, especially when brand new SL1200GR is just $1700 (and that plastic Rega toy is $750). 

As a drive Technics SL1210mkII is superb and the OP already have it, just add new arm with decent cartridge. Technics can be upgraded anytime, the Rega can not be upgraded, it's a junk, sorry.