Squeezebox Touch simple 24/192 output mod

A call to all owners of the Squeezebox Touch. You can now install a simple third party app ("Enhanced Digital Output") developed by Triode that allows your Touch to output true 24/192 to your DAC via USB or Coax SPDIF. You need the latest updated Media Server 7.2 installed first. It installs a linux kernal that enables the high res digital output and disables the analog outputs (which you don't need if using a DAC anyway). I installed in a few minutes and can attest that it does improve the overall sound quality. My Bel Canto DAC3 is an earlier model that is capable up to 24/176.4 input and I successfully passed a file of that size and it sounds great. Many others who have 24/192 capability have successfully passed files of that quality as well as long as their processors can handle that input. Logitech is not officially supporting this app, but it really lets your Touch shine and handle the high res files. Apparently the Touch has had this capability all along but has not been unleashed yet. Please share your experiences and get the word out. The Touch will be an even better value than it is now. Enjoy!

For more info go to http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?94512-Announce-Enhanced-Digital-Output-app-USB-Dac-and-192k-Digital-Ouput
Very cool, thanks a lot.

If anyone is looking for a sample to try out there is one on the Linn records site:


I was curious if my Metrum DAC would accept a 24/192 signal, when I tried the test file before the mod the DAC was silent and my Squeezebox displayed "sampling rate not supported". After the mod, the DAC played the file no problem so I assume that it in fact plays 24/192.
Thanks for the link to the test file, Audiojedi. My DAC played it but with skips which confirms that my DAC3 won't play 192 without an oscillator upgrade, which I am now seriously considering. Glad your mod worked for you! How do you like the Metrum and what output are you using (S/PDIF or USB?) Swanny
Works perfectly. Great...now I have to go get some more 24/192 FLAC downloads. Yikes!!! :)
Loving the Metrum, I'm sure you can do better by spending a lot more but it's killer for the cash. Best digital I've had in my system by quite a bit, really quite smooth(after running in) but punchy and detailed as well. It strikes a good balance IMHO.

Running the coax SPDIF out of the Touch, works just fine far as I'm concerned.

If I find any good free 24/192 files I'll report back.