SS amp - which one ???

I've been a tube guy for 20 years now but Im thinking of switching over to a SS amp. Budget is $1500 for a nice used amp. I'd like an amp with tube flavor.
Preamp VTL 2.5, Speakers QUAD 22L2, Velodyne FSR-15,
Jolida JD 100 lvl 1 cd player, Thorens table. I see a Luxman M4000 that I've heard is good even by todays standards. A friend mentioned Belles. I like pop/rock, jazz, and blues. Any suggestions are welcome?
Thanks and remember our military men and women this weekend.
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It was based on the $1500 price point, and the OP's stated background.

Yep, that's what I thought. We are on the same page and it does not surprise me that I'd completely agree - $1500 buys whole lot more in tubes than it does in SS, and I cant't really think of anything that I've heard that would keep me from tubes. As Kclone has reinforced, so much of this will come down to synergy, as well as to personal preferences (of course).

05-29-10: Pdspecl
So, I could get by with less wattage and hopefully avoid the eventual & costly retube issue of the SF amp. So, I like tube sound but would like to reduce tube hassle, and heat. But as others have mentioned maybe a SS amp just won't do it. I guess sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it too.
The vast majority of the best SS amps I've heard put out quite a bit of heat (running largely or entirely in Class A), so that rules out that specific goal. The Ayre I mentioned is the only exception I can think of running largely in A/B apparently. As far as tube hassle/replacement; that also comes with some advantages - tube rolling (expensive in some cases, but potentially transformative). With an SS amp, when the caps wear out you are probably going to be sending it in to someone for replacement rather than the simple job of replacing tubes. Tube amp designs are simpler and arguably more serviceable than many SS designs. Anyway, there are arguments for both sides. Personally, at $1500, if you're happy with your system I'd buy some new music and invest the rest in something else you enjoy or save it for another day. If you find the need for change and think your amp could stand for improvement, I'd look for a used tube amp at that price that might improve on your current one. I'm just not familiar enough with the other components in your system to give a solid recommendation there. Generally I'm a huge fan of Quicksilver and have owned five different pairs of Mike's amps in the past. None of those have been a disappointment. Atmasphere also always have impressed me, but I'm not sure if any would fall into that price. A great bargain if you can find one, especially for the genre's of music you enjoy, is a Mesa Baron with the tri-tube mods. You may be able to find one at that price - just beware that it is a monster to ship and must be very carefully packed (ideally separately from its tubes). That moves entirely towards heat and hassle though, but it is a really fun tube amp and offers great value for the investment at current used prices if you can find one in great condition.

As far as "have your cake and eat it too" - The Modwright KWA150 and the Ayre V5XE occur to me as delivering on that lofty goal, but at a price above your budget. Perhaps it would be worth saving for if that is really your goal.
Check out the butler hybrid amp. I use 1 and it runs cool all day. Mine is paired with a Modwright tube pre. They show up used in your price range.
I just recently purchased and now enjoy the TAD-125, "Hibachi" mono block amps that I bought for the same reason (sub for tube amps). Paul Grzybek designed it specifically to pair with tube preamps. I just sub'ed for a 300B amp and could not be more delighted. Sonically more even than the 300B, but the midrange is very, very close. This is accomplished according to Paul by not canceling harmonic distortion of the kind that tube amp produce. Excellent micro dynamics, without sounding dark. Highly recommended. Keep in mind that Paul designed and repairs tube amps so it is safe bet that knows what he's talking about...