SS Integrated Amplifier that would sound good with the PSB Synchrony One B

  Sorry about my poor English.
  A couple of weeks ago I bought a brand new (old stock) PSB Synchrony One B speakers.
 Great sound with the Luxman L-590AX that I borrowed from my friend but of course I cannot afford one.
 So far I am using NAD C326 Int.Amp. Standard NAD house sound. Nice dynamics but confused highs.
 Any suggestions on the SS Integrated amplifier. The maximum budget is $4000.00. Listening room is 17'x12'x8'.    Very moderate listening levels. Such a posting already exists (by Djengan). The Rega Elicit-R would be one of the options but i heard from the people who are familiar with the Rega electronics, that particular model lately have issues with the humming transformers. Thank you in advance on your opinions.

SS Integrated Amplifier that would sound good with the PSB Synchrony One B

They want an amp that can be very comfortable with 4ohms even 2ohms as I see it.
+1 for the John Curl designed Parasound HALO Integrated, Pass Labs Inter, maybe "some" Class-D that can handle 2ohms.

Not many tubes unless they have a 2ohm tap, I can think of one, the Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated Amplifier 2ohm tap is good (green) but the 4 and 8 peaks up in FR. Trouble is by using the 2ohm tap you sacrifice a lot of wattage.

Cheers George
I finally picked the amplifier. I went with the Vincent SV-237MK. Great bass, not so detailed (probably needs more time to break in. I am close to 50 hours). Do you have any suggestions on the tubes?

A good friend owns a Vincent SV236 and after ignoring my suggestion of new production Gold Lion 12AX7s (hey man…), he apparently researched among Vincent owners and found that the new EH 12AX7s were the ones to get. After using the original tubes for years he found his amp now sounds brighter. There ya go!
Good luck with the Vincent.
Let us know how you like it once it's broken in.

I've found that my T3's need good current delivery to sound their best, especially on the bottom end. When I went from a Nad M27 to a BAT VK-6200 my T3's came to life. I am curious how your Synchrony 1's play with tubes.