SS or Tube Preamps with Dual-Balanced outputs

I vertically bi-amp; I am looking for recommendations on fully balanced pre-amps that offer the ability to have 2 simultaneous balanced outputs. I am look for a full balanced circuit (some call this quad-balanced I believe).

Currently, I've been using a Classe CP-700 with excellent results for over a year and half. I like the Classe's build quality, separate power supply, air, clarity, imaging, musicality, etc...very much.

What other SS or Tube pre-amps offer dual-balanced outputs
with great imaging and other desirable sonic attributes?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
You're welcome Zephyr24069. I think as a norm, I would assume that all of them have a least one or two balanced inputs.


As of now, the combined list of recommendations I've received (no particular order) is listed below. I need to determine which also offer balanced inputs;

- Herron Audio
- Pass Labs XP-20
- Plinius Tautoro
- Atma-Sphere Music Preamplifier MP-3 (option)
- Atma-Sphere New Music Preamplifier MP-1 Mk. III (option)
- Aesthetix Calypso
- Aestehtix Janus
- SimAudio P7 or P8
- Sonic Frontiers Line3
- Audio Research LS26
- Audio Research Reference 3
- Audiovalve Eklipse
- BAT 52 SE
- Mcintosh C500
- Belles 28-A
- Audionet Pre G2
- VAC Phi Beta
- Audio Horizons TP 2.1 (option)
- Rogue Audio Hera
- Promitheus Audio Reference C-core TVC (option)
- Music First Audio MK II Preamplifier (TVC)
- Music First Audio Reference Preamplifier (TVC)
Hello Zephyr24069,

This a list I had gathered from a similar thread a few months ago.

• BAT 52 SE
• Mcintosh C500
• Audio Research Reference 3
• Atma-Sphere Music Preamplifier MP-3 (option)
• Atma-Sphere New Music Preamplifier MP-1 Mk. III (option)
• Aesthetix Calypso
• Belles 28-A
• Audionet Pre G2
• VAC Phi Beta
• Audio Horizons TP 2.1 (option, I think)
• Rogue Audio Hera
• Promitheus Audio Reference C-core TVC (option)
• Music First Audio MK II Preamplifier (TVC)
• Music First Audio Reference Preamplifier (TVC)


Consider Sonic Frontiers Line 3 SE, it's very fine sounding, reasonably priced on used market, and offers everything you want.
Where can I find product info? FYI...I don't need a phono
stage if that matters for purposes of a recommendation.
We've made balanced line preamps longer than anyone else. They can be optioned ($75) with dual outputs. I'll leave it to others as to what they sound like. Remote is available now for the MP-1.
Thanks, for taking the time to respond; please take a look at my system and let me know what you think. I'll check out the Plinius and have also received offline recommendations for the new Pass Labs XP-20 and Atma Sphere as well. Any thoughts you can share would be appreciated. Thanks!
Given you like the sound of the Classe, I'd recommend the Plinius Tatoro which is a bit more airy, open and musical and lifts some of the 'warmth' veil of the Classe products imo...but it depends on the rest of your system also.

What don't you like about the Classe 700?