SS pre sounds like tubes

I had a Tom Evans Vibe, was the best preamp I have had.  It sounds like best tube preamps but even better.  It is op-amps.  Are there other SS preamps that sound like this, or close, maybe with opamps?  Not too expensive, maybe $3000 at most?
@mitch2 , Can you tell me please, where the one you had is for sale? I may be interested. Is this the one in LA?
The Bedini BC-800 s/s preamp and their solid-state power amps from that era (BA-801, -802, -803 and their Classic series) come as close to tube sound as I've ever heard. Hard to find; most ended up in Europe. If you want a real tube preamp that can drive anything down to 20k ohms input or lower, Don Sachs in Nelson, B.C. makes a beauty for under $2,000. See:
I run modified and upgraded Dynaco-based gear in my main system and use the Bedinis in the man cave. BTW, not on anybody's payroll here, but you don't need to spend 10 large for a superb preamp.
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I need to add (having not figured out where the edit switch was), that the Dynaco-based gear is all tube and is made in either kit or assembled form by Vacuum Tube Audio. So I've got a half-way ability to AB solid state and tube, albeit through different speakers (Tyler Decades in the big room and antique Dynaco A-35s in the den) and I love 'em both. Guess my ultimate point is that there is some incredible new tube gear, U.S.-made, that won't cost you your first-born, as some very good solid-state stuff on the used market that can make you very happy.