Thanks for the quick replies. Much appreciated.
@greg_f I'm on Bell Fibe 500Mbps, then using a cheap TP-Link router to split the ethernet signal - one trunk going into the SmoothLAN, then into the Cisco 2960, then out via fiber port to Lumin (effectively using the Cisco as a FMC) - and the other trunk feeds a newer Cisco switch that has all my 'dirty' computer network on it (wifi, LAN, etc).
Now that I might stick with a dedicated FMC instead of the Cisco 2960, I would probably use the 2960 to replace the cheap TP-Link switch.
I wondered about the Sonore FMC, although it's hard to tell exactly what separates it from a generic FMC. Guess the usual audiophile caveat applies -- gotta try it to find out!
@tksteingraber Thanks for the perspective. What LPS are you using?
The experiment continues!
Best, JAMES.