Stainless Steel Binding posts on speakers?

Anybody have any thoughts about using this material for binding posts? With regard to conductivity/sound quality and the like?
Are you certain that it is stainless steel, and not a plated metal, like rhodium plated brass?
Martin Logan at one time offered Stainless Steel binding posts as a custom order option. IIRC, they were pretty damn expensive. I never heard a set, but always thought they were "supposed" to sound better? Makes me wonder...
Roxy54. Nope. Definitely not Rhodium plated brass. I have an extra one of them that was defective and took a 3 corner file to it to scratch the surface...same steel grey color inside. And the non-magnetic type. They are pretty things and very beefy, but definitely stainless steel.
I agree with Kijanki. A resistance of 0.0002 ohms or thereabouts is negligible compared to the other resistances in the path, including the speaker cables.

I would imagine that IF the use of stainless steel has any consequences at all, they would relate to the interface between the stainless steel and the gold or copper or whatever other material it is being mated with. Contact integrity, changes in smoothness after repeated connection/disconnection cycles (e.g. "galling"), corrosion due to galvanic effects, low level rectification effects, etc. I have no particular knowledge regarding those kinds of possibilities (and for all I know stainless steel might even be advantageous with respect to some interface effects, depending on its specific formulation and what it is mated with), but I can't see the intrinsic conductivity of the material as being of any significance.

-- Al
One potential problem with Stainless is the galling effects of the nut on the speaker post- over time they may tend to lock up on the threads if the post and the nut are the same material.

Stainless cannot be soldered so it may well be that the actual resistance of the connection (since it is mechanical) is much higher than otherwise forecast.

Before SS was developed, tin was a favored non-corroding material. It would be a better conductor than SS and its harder than copper, so it would hold up. I am wondering why such a product has not appeared, but the SS one has...