Stainless Steel Binding posts on speakers?

Anybody have any thoughts about using this material for binding posts? With regard to conductivity/sound quality and the like?
One potential problem with Stainless is the galling effects of the nut on the speaker post- over time they may tend to lock up on the threads if the post and the nut are the same material.

Stainless cannot be soldered so it may well be that the actual resistance of the connection (since it is mechanical) is much higher than otherwise forecast.

Before SS was developed, tin was a favored non-corroding material. It would be a better conductor than SS and its harder than copper, so it would hold up. I am wondering why such a product has not appeared, but the SS one has...
Well there are certainly dissimilar metals involved here in that the posts are SS, the rear anchor nut is galvanized steel and the spade connectors on my cables are Rhodium plate over copper. And these posts are quite substantial, they are .710" at their widest with a 2.5" ( actually the metric equivalent) overall length and a 5/16" threaded shaft. Big chunks of metal! They are beautiful, but would not have been my choice for a high end speaker.
Interesting comparison chart showing how far down the ladder SS is conductivity-wise compared to the other more commonly used materials in High End Speaker binding posts.