For the 'budget' list- has anyone had experience with the Luxman E-1 (now discontinued) and E-200 phono stages? Luxman use (I believe) an inbuilt transformer to amplify the MC signal to approximately MM level and then an inbuilt 'normal' amp to bring it up to line level. They look like beautifully made units and Luxman products are very good value. And, on the subject of transformers...
What about the use of a separate transformer/MM phono combo? This style of phono amplification may be considered old hat, but there are some very nice transformers out there and the rationale does makes sense. I was thinking of buying the Ortofon Verte transformer (dual mono, good make) to use with a quality MM stage (Graham Slee Reflex Era Gold?) as a moderately priced phono option with my Ortofon MC. Any thoughts on other superior quality stand-alone MM stages (not with a MC stage included)? Has anyone used the Ortofon Verte?
What about the use of a separate transformer/MM phono combo? This style of phono amplification may be considered old hat, but there are some very nice transformers out there and the rationale does makes sense. I was thinking of buying the Ortofon Verte transformer (dual mono, good make) to use with a quality MM stage (Graham Slee Reflex Era Gold?) as a moderately priced phono option with my Ortofon MC. Any thoughts on other superior quality stand-alone MM stages (not with a MC stage included)? Has anyone used the Ortofon Verte?