Standalone Room Correction Component

What are the current room correction components out there that only correct for room effects. No cost limitations, through cheaper is always better. I know there are some out there specific for subwoofers but I was looking for one that controls full range with delays, etc. for a 2ch to 7.1ch setup. Auto correction as well as manual correction would be a plus. Thanks.
Ag insider logo xs@2xedwyun
Dear Avgoround, I certainly meant no offense however I am surprised by how aggressive you appear to be. I was simply gathering that you were replying to me since the thread had been dormant for some time. I must admit that it is now quite some relief that you weren't communicating with me.
For some reason, this same person keeps forcing his way into my conversations.
Whatever. just don't let it happen again, sir. Please.
Thanks for the clarifiction AVGoround. I wasn't aware you had planted your flag and claimed this thread as your own however I can understand now that your single entry on this topic 9 months ago must have been your claim of ownership.

Its a shame though, Audiogon used to be a community where people exchanged ideas, shared data with one another. Good, honest debate never hurt anyone but your posts are very territorial which I don't quite understand. You might have actually been able to teach me something based on your experiences and maybe I could have added something to your enjoyment but alas, your attitude prevents the possibility.

I've been on Audiogon for over 15 years and have learned alot, shared a little and have a perfect transaction history. You have no transaction history and I can't quite figure why your tone is as it is, but oh well. I originally discovered this thread because the original poster and Kal both mentioned the McIntosh MEN220. It will probably surprise you but I found your post to be a reasonably coherent take on the issue of the room and appropriate treatment. My comments were never intended for you, they were intended as general in nature.

And by the way, I may just periodically post something on this thread because it appears to bother you so.
Due to the fact that sometimes there are those who simply can not be civil,
I will begin a new thread on the McIntosh MEN220 where anyone with an
experienced opinion may join in.

I find it troubling though that some are bothered by the mere presence of
others in a thread they didn't even start, which is why it might be best to
create a new thread. I certainly mean no offense to anyone nor do I have a
desire to be the cause of anyone throwing a fit in their parent's basement or
sending them over the edge. Wouldn't want that to happen!