STANDBY on tube amps - what's your practice

Was just wondering....I always let my SF Power Amp 1 warm up as well as cool down by using STANDBY button (about 10 min for each) and only then I turn on/off the main power switch. But if I take a 30 min or so break between listening sessions, I just leave everything as is...full power on....if I walk away for an hour or so - I always put the amp in standby mode.

What's your practice for tube amps?
How much you'd let your amp stay on (full power) vs on Standby?

I leave mine on throughout the day, and turn it off when going to bed. I think most engineers will tell you that the most "wear and tear" on tubes occurs at power-on.

I'm rather fortunate because I have a Butler amp - they have an automatic slow start power-on, the relays kick in after 15 sec. of ramp up time for the current - no quick in-rush. Also, during normal operation, the Butler's tubes run at only 5% of rated output and require no biasing. BK Butler claims the tubes will last 25 years or more - truly a set and forget tube amp!

Best Wishes,

Ether, I have a Cary V12R amp. New tubes. Sometimes it is off for a few days or more. I like the way you use your system. Very carefully. Warm up AND cool down procedures. You seem to be very careful with the equipment that you've spent your hard earned money on. Even if you got it for free, why screw it up. The only thing I do differently is to unplug the system when not in use due to lightening. I usually keep my Cary SLP98P preamp in the operating position when the Amp is in standby mode. Good luck and keep that system of yours nice.
Standby PRE--on 24/7

AMP has none. Wouldn't want to demo my rig to a golden ear until my amp had 30 minutes to toast up