Stealth cables

What is with all of these Stealth cables for sale here at AG? I ended up buying a pair of the ($2,000.00) PGS cables for obviously the lower going rate here. But I was not impressed with them. I tried them in various locations on my system but the results were always the same.
They actually sounded a little brittle in the highs. I ended up selling them because I just couldn't see using them. Are they really $2000.00 retail cables or is this some marketing scheme ?
I was trying the PGS. I have Rogue Magnum 88 tube amp, a Rogue Magnum 99 pre, a rogue stealth phono stage, MMF 7 TT and Proac Studio 250 speakers. They were definatly broken in. I just felt the PGS cables lost control of the layering of the instruments. Sounded congested. Maybe it is just the way I like my music to sound. I certainly am not bashing the stealth cables. I guess that is why there are a zillion different manufactures of cable. On the other side of the spectrum. I have also tried Kimber PBJ and did not like them either. Maybe I am a little anal:-)
I have tried the Stealth PGS between an EAD TheaterMaster-8 and PowerMaster-1000. The sound was very similar to the Audience AU-24 I/C in my system. It was hard to distinguish the difference in I/C cables on the high end, the Stealth PGS possibly being a little bright, but it also sounded a little fuller down low . I spent significantly less than $2000 on the PGS and am very happy. The M-7 I/C's were smooth but unspectacular, a very nice cable for the money though.
For a long time I used the Stealth PGS-3D in a long run to my amps. Even when I had Siltech G5 elsewhere, the Stealths in this vital link showed the great improvements with the other cables. I nevertheless think the PGS does sound like it metal, namely gold. They are very smooth and lack the slight brightness of silver. I tried many cables to replace these 4 m. PGS but they always proved better. I could never afford Siltech G5 interconnects in this length, but suspect they would have been better.
I'm going to have to chime in here with Garys & Cjr888. I have used Stealth PGS, CWS, and Hybrid MLT in my own system and listened to Varidig and M7 (the interconnect) in friends' systems. While I don't believe there is a universal "best" cable I do think this is one of the better cable lines dollar-for-dollar. I also would not characterize PGS as bright in any way. To provide some context I'm familiar with most of the Transparent, NBS, Kimber, Audience, Straightwire lines, and a few pieces of Cardas, MIT, Tara, Analysis Plus, XLO, LAT, and Nordost. I have NOT heard many of the currently highly talked-up cables including Ridge Street, TG Audio, Bogdan, Jaden, and Empirical.
The bottom line is that cables are, to a large extent, system dependent. While there are a few lines that seem to be voiced either to be warm & euphonic or to give the impression of hyper detail most lines seem to be striving for neutral transparency, some succeed better than others.
I would take both published reviews and internet comments with a grain of salt. You must listen in your own system and make up your own mind.
Keep in mind
For the source cable, you want as clean as possible with full balanced freq response and as big sound stage as possible. For the cable that goes from preamp to amp, it varies in different system.