Steam cleaning records 2

Continuation of large thread.
The primary point that Charlie was trying to make is that steaming is effective as a part of the cleaning process and experience has show us who have been steaming for a while has little or no impact on record quality. There are a lot of reasons why steaming is effective but as many have said, your ears will tell you whether it is effective in your case. Also, can steaming hurt your records, most definitely yes especially if you get the vinyl too hot. as for removing the various components in vinyl, I can not say whether it will or will not for certain, but a one or two steam application to clean a record in my experience has been a significant improvement in listening quality. Vinyl is a pretty tough material and as some of the older records we all have will testify, it can last for many decades without significant deteriotion.
I wonder what a psychiatrist would have to say about us posters on this thread?

Before long we will be steaming our records in a hermetically sealed chamber to avoid airborn particles.

The laws of diminishing returns ?

Oilmanmojo Amen and how true cause in the
End only your ears mater and we all know what
the rest is.
Post removed 
I was off to buy a sealed chamber ... Glad I missed the Jaw, Jaw ...

As for a Psychiatrist, I know one that thinks nothing of dropping gads of green on audio toys but doesn't clean his LPS. You should hear what a 10k cartridge sounds like running over yesterdays potato chips.

For those of us that read, an excellent letter was published in Positive Feedback several years back by a fellow who had lots of credentials from thr U.of FL. According to his review a the lit. neither water or alcohol can harm vinyl unless subjected to hours of chemical dousing. Steam Cleaning done correctly is a brief event that makes a significant impact on dirty LPS , not one's already affected by owner abuse of manufacturing defects. After having Steam Cleaned for years my experience has been quite positive . But, that experience makes me awaire of how many records new & used are defective. When I buy them for pennies I could care-less but when I spend $30 & up I want perfection that is rarely there.

Had I understood water purity my 350a Hot Shot would be working but that's history.

As for Tvad he chose not to answer my questions regarding him actually being a Steam Cleaner. That failure to respond makes me suspect he is a fraud to the extent he just likes to flame-out on posters. Tvad may not even own a single piece of vinyl .... I'm toast. I only want to converse with REAL vinyl lovers. I'm out of here.