Step-up from Node2i for native AmazonHD streaming?

Considering the Node2i, but before pulling the trigger, looking for upgrade competitors:
  • Inputs: Wifi, BT5aptxHD, TOS/Unbalanced
  • Outputs: Unbalanced, coax SPDIF
  • Must have native AmazonHD
  • Control: apps for PC/Android, remote
What else meets these minimum requirements?
You may have painted yourself into a corner with all your requirements. What you’re looking for is a streaming DAC, plenty of those out there but I think what’s going to severely limit you is native Amazon HD. I’ve heard this a lot regarding Amazon HD integration. I don’t know if it’s Amazons fault, or that of the manufacturer’s, but either way it ends up with Amazon HD not playing nice with most native streaming platforms. 
Apparently either Amazon is being selective with the UltraHD API (who gets the right to use it), or mfg's won't pay the licencing fee, or some other API-related issue. I have a suspicion it will become more widely universal as time goes by. Sound United companies (Marantz/Denon/others), Bluesound/NAD, and many others were able to implement spontaneously on (some very old) pre-existing hardware with firmware updates, so the hold-up seems to be Amazon API rights availability.
I’m a little confused at your input and output requirements. You have digital inputs, but also digital outputs, am I missing something?
Just run your CD player to one input on your preamp, integrated and the Node to another. The Node has digital out which is nice when you want to upgrade to a better DAC. The DAC in the Node is decent, no actually it’s really good for the money. If you’re thinking of bypassing the DAC in your current CD player and running into the Node, then yes you will not be able to do that. Depending on your CD player it might sound better than the Node, such as a my Cambridge 851C which I used to run my Bluesound Vault 2 into its DAC input. If you’re looking for best bang for your buck and flexibility down the road, buy a Node and a standalone DAC down the road with multiple inputs.
Agree with crn3371. What exactly are you trying to do? If you’re bypassing the DAC in your CDP and trying to use the DAC in a separate piece of equipment, then why do you need digital outputs from that piece of equipment? Conversely, if you’re using your CDP as intended then there’s no need to route digital output from the CDP.