Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor

Hey GON members,

My review of the Tekton Design Monitor just was posted on the Stereo Times website. I made the Encore Monitor my 2024 budget speaker of the year. In the review I get into the details about the Encore's performance, which is superlative for a $3000 a pair of speakers, that retains the special quality of kick and aliveness in the Tekton Design house sound, but then adds a new sense of refinement in vivid tonality/timbres and overall musicality. Dare I say, a touch of the classic Sonus Faber charm back in the day when Franco Serblin still owned the company. Hope you enjoy the review and find it helpful in informing you about the Encore Monitor's performance. 


These are monitors? Why would anybody claim these are monitors? There are so many true monitors that have better midrange and tweeter setups like all the speakers using AMT units, for example all the borreson, raidho, ps audio, and others.

If you like the looks of Tekton, I’m sure you will like the looks of these. I’ll continue to us my amt driver or diamond tweeters with a true midrange driver.

Thank you for the review Terry. How would you compare them to the Arno 40 which you also have?

Hey pbecker128,

Remember, I made the Encore Monitor my budget speaker of the year because of cost vs. performance ratio. The Encore speakers are $3000, the Arno 40 speakers are $15000. A much higher price does not allows equate a higher level of performance. However, in this case it does. The Arno 40 speakers are at a higher qualitative level in their performance than the Encore Monitors. For the details regarding the Arno’s performance read my review on them on Stereo Times. I made the Arno 40 speakers my "no cost consideration" reference speaker of the year.

Both the Encore Monitor speakers and the Arno 40 speakers are wonderful music makers, but are at vastly different price points.

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