Steve Hoffman site Beatles discussions?

One thing for sure, the Beatles remasters have generated a lot of discussion. Some of it I find quite interesting although there's not enough hours in the day to follow all the threads on Steve Hoffman's site. Mind boggling!

Has anyone tried to follow any of these?
Yes, on this site they actually discuss music without hidden agendas to sell hardware.
Yes, on this site they actually discuss music without hidden agendas to sell hardware

Perhaps that might be because Audiogon is primarily a website devoted to reviews and discussions about gear, share with others your setup, buying and selling of gear etc - all that hardly makes it a hidden agenda. It is the rasion d'etre for Audiogon.
True. Unfortunately, may of the "opinions" on hardware are self serving in nature. And many are disguised as being "expert" opinions.
True. Unfortunately, may of the "opinions" on hardware are self serving in nature. And many are disguised as being "expert" opinions.

Sad but it is the same (or much worse) with audio magazine reviews. This is why I prefer to buy audio equipment based on the User List rather than a review or a testimonial or even my own often all too short auditioning experiences. Sure I will audition stuff and keep trying to stay informed about the latest gear but the variables are so great that I prefer to just select what people I respect use => what is tried and true and has staying power in the market (measured in decades rather than seasonal product offerings). For example, if it is good enough for Pink Floyd then it'll probably be good enough for my tin ears...

Nevetheless Audiogon is a great way to share technical information and chat about our favorite subject. If you really find Audiogon is just self-serving opinions then why do you post here?

Let me put it another way - many people have answered your posts requesting for information - including myself. Kind of what hobbyists do _ guess - share ideas and advice. Surely it was not all self-serving opinions and a waste of your time? Or did some people contact you through email trying to push something on you or sell you something?